Our 2021 Exhibit theme is 'Shifting Perspective'. Thanks to volunteer members, Antoinette Blankvoort-Wieberdink and Judy Burch for organizing this wonderful challenge for our members. Check out the exhibit information below.
Exhibit Statement 2021: A world in transition affects its structure and connections, resulting in shifting perspective for all.
Shifting Perspective
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These are unprecedented times. Our world appears to be in turmoil. Necessary changes are needed and happening. We are challenged in many ways. Although these challenges are happening on many different levels; politically, societal, inter relational, environmental, they are all, in one form or another, connected and require our response. We invite you to explore some of the following keywords: Transition, Change, Connections, Structural Change, Inner Connections, Changing Connections, Reflection, Life’s Textures, Travel, Job Security, Circles, Upcycle (Recycle), Shifting Gears, Racial Tension, Political Turmoil, Staycation, Moving On. 2020 has been an ever changing and challenging year, in which we have learned to adapt, pivot, change and shift our perspective of life. Ever hopeful of new beginnings, a “new normal” as we reflect and move forward into 2021. It is our wish that with the theme we are proposing, the members will be given an opportunity to reflect on our new and changing reality, maybe share their fears, hopes and dreams for the new times.
The artwork for this exhibit was made in a Triptych format, which is an art piece done in three parts. This will allow the participants to incorporate the theme of movement, change and shifting. These three parts are not connected but hang with a space of 1” between each part.
Dimensions of the artwork: The size for the completed work (the 3 sections including 1” spacing between each piece) will be: