TFAM now accepts members from all of Canada. So if you have been following us and are a fibre artist or just interested in fibre art, consider joining. All the info is on the membership form.
Upcoming TFAM Events
Meet-Ups are usually held on the third Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm. See below for all Meet-Ups and Workshop details.
NOTE:** All times listed are Manitoba Central Time
What's Next
Sept 17 - TFAM Meet-Up 6:30 PM (NOTE NEW TIME)** Special guest presentation by Ixchel Suarez, a textile and fibre artist for many years. Her practice explores material and concept, particularly in Tapestry, in non-conventional ways.
Please send in your Show 'N Share photos to [email protected]. Always the best part of the meeting is seeing what others are working on.
Scroll down to get the details about all of these items.
Details and a zoom link are emailed to all members before each event.
TFAM Meet-Ups: at a glance...
List of Dates (Zoom)
List of Dates (In-person)
Sept 17 - TFAM Meet-Up - 6:30 PM
Oct 15 - TFAM Meet-up - 6:30 PM
October 25: In-person Studio Day at the Charleswood Library.
*Details and a zoom link will be emailed before each event.
Upcoming Meet-Ups and Workshop details
An informal group for lovers of hand stitching. Get the details if you are interested in hand stitching or any kind; knitting, embroidery, embellishing, beading.....
*NOTE - meetings are on the first Tuesday of the month at 2 pm